Jesus Saves - Part 3 - He Is Alive - That We May Live In Him

“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” (John 17:25-26)

Shortly after praying this, Jesus would be arrested, tortured, and crucified. Indeed, His suffering would be the most generous expression of love in all of history. We believe this and rejoice that Jesus’ life didn’t end on the cross, or in the grave, but that He did rise in victory and He is exalted in glory.

This Sunday, we rejoice in God’s unfailing love and the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is alive and by grace through faith — we are alive in Him!

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Jesus Saves - Part 2 - Jesus: The Week of All Weeks

This week is Palm Sunday. In the Gospels, we see that centuries of waiting, hoping, and watching will culminate in this Holy week. In Matthew 21, we find Jesus entering Jerusalem and being joyfully hailed as the long awaited prophet. This is King Jesus — the one who has come in the name of the Lord.

Consider this, "Here on this Sunday we find, in microcosm, the joys and sorrows of the legendary week ahead. This initial clash with the authorities anticipates the coming conspiracy, the traitor that will emerge, the fearful disciples who will flee, and the sheer demonic wickedness that will descend upon the city and culminate in his death by sundown Friday. And yet the joy of Palm Sunday forecasts the unrivalled euphoria to come on Easter morning.” (David Mathis)

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Redeeming Relationships - Part 3 — Parents, Children and the Power of Honour

As we press forward in our series on relationships, this week we look at God’s perspective of children, the parent / child relationship, and how the power of honour can be life changing for your family. Throughout these weeks, we are upholding the idea that all relationships are best, when reverence for Christ is the starting point.

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Redeeming Relationships - Part 2 - Reframing The Picture

Join us this week as we continue our series: Redeeming Relationships. We will be looking at marriage, some common struggles we have as men and women, and how to approach this relationship from a Biblical perspective. Building on the redemptive foundation we established last week, we hope you will be challenged and find encouragement to embrace God’s purpose for your life and marriage.

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Redeeming Relationships - Part 1 - How did we get here? 

There are times in life when relationships become difficult, painful, and even toxic. Friendships fail, marriages struggle, families divide — both in and outside the Church everyone experiences heartache because of others. Sometimes we are the offender and other times we are the offended. So, what do we do? How, as followers of Jesus, do we walk faithfully when this happens? Join us this week as we begin a new series on redeeming relationships.

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The Church - Part 4 - Why Do We Serve?

The foundation of the church is Jesus — and we have been redeemed to worship Him forever. Not only with our voices, but with our lives. As we seek God in prayer and endeavour to know Him more, what happens? What does it mean for us to "be eager to do good"? This week, we consider why Christians serve others in His name.

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Kevin Clouse2017