Posts in Money Matters
Money Matters - Part 4

In the ‘Parable of Shrewd Manager’ Jesus comments on the belief that morality or being law abiding is the end result of being a Christian. Jesus seems to be saying that the end result of following Him is living a life of generosity that produces the fruits of the Spirit. Certainly morality is tied up in the way Jesus calls us to live, but if we stop at living morally we may have missed the point. Jesus calls us to something far richer and far, far more beautiful than simply raising a moral standard.

Money Matters - Part 3

The things we do demonstrate how we feel about God. Or, to get right at the heart of the matter: what we do with our money reveals what we believe about God. What money is to us shows what God is to us. Jesus cares more than anything about what your heart is pursuing. That is why he said, “A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”. It consists in his relationship to God. “This is eternal life – true life” Jesus said, “that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” What we do with our money shows where we believe life – and joy and love and hope and security and meaning and freedom – is found.

Money Matters - Part 2

Jesus taught more about wealth than he did any other social issue - more than marriage, politics, work, sex, or power. He considered money hazardous and helpful. And he taught us how to minimise the hazard, and maximise the helpfulness. In Matthew 6.19-24, Jesus takes on the danger of money and the relationship between how we spend our money and what we believe about the Kingdom. What does our heart’s treasure say about our loyalty to God’s Kingdom?

Money Matters - Part 1

The topic of money and giving is one of the most difficult things the Bible addresses, yet the Bible speaks clearly and abundantly on it. This series explores what the Bible has to say about how we as Christians are called to steward and use our finances for our joy, for God's glory, and for the expansion of His kingdom on this earth.