“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
There are several ways you can give to The Bridge Church.
Cash Cash offerings can be given during Sunday services. Use an offering envelope provided at the welcome desk and place in the offering box.
Cheque Cheques can be made out to “The Bridge Church Limited” and placed in the offering box during Sunday services. Be sure to write your Donor ID* on the back of the cheque.
Direct Bank Transfer You can deposit directly into the church’s account with HSBC. Please indicate your Donor ID* in the transfer reference or use this form.
Bank Name - HSBC (004)
Account Number - 400724423838
FPS Identifier - 6321749
*Please use your 8-digit HK phone number as your Donor ID
As The Bridge Church Limited is a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong, your giving to the church could be tax deductible. Contributions of HK$100 and above (up to 35% of an individual’s income) qualify for tax relief.
If you register as a donor and mark each of your givings with your Donor ID, you will receive a tax receipt for the total of all amounts given throughout the financial year. Tax receipts are sent in PDF format via email in early May each year. You may register as a donor by completing this form the first time you give.
US Tax Residents For those who file US taxes, we can assist you to obtain a US tax receipt. Please contact us for more information.
The Bridge Church accounts are audited yearly by a Certified Public Accountant, and copies of audited accounts are available for perusal by all church members upon request.