Jesus Saves - Part 2 - Jesus: The Week of All Weeks

This week is Palm Sunday. In the Gospels, we see that centuries of waiting, hoping, and watching will culminate in this Holy week. In Matthew 21, we find Jesus entering Jerusalem and being joyfully hailed as the long awaited prophet. This is King Jesus — the one who has come in the name of the Lord.

Consider this, "Here on this Sunday we find, in microcosm, the joys and sorrows of the legendary week ahead. This initial clash with the authorities anticipates the coming conspiracy, the traitor that will emerge, the fearful disciples who will flee, and the sheer demonic wickedness that will descend upon the city and culminate in his death by sundown Friday. And yet the joy of Palm Sunday forecasts the unrivalled euphoria to come on Easter morning.” (David Mathis)

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