The Church - Part 3 - Why Do We Pray?

In the earliest days of the Church, followers of Jesus considered prayer as a central part of their lives. They “devoted themselves” to prayer. What does this mean for us today? Why is prayer one of the most important choices we can make, both as individuals and as a church family? What happens when we pray?

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Matthew Dean2017
The Church - Part 1 - The Foundation

Join us this week as we begin a new series on the Church. What is God’s plan and purpose for the church? What happens when we gather together? How can we be an expression of God’s goodness to the world around us? What does it look like when we grow and give together?

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Matthew Dean2017
The Kingdom & The King - Part 4 - Unfailing Love

Jesus, our King and Redeemer, does wondrous things in our lives. His mercy is matchless, His wisdom is unrivalled, and He alone is Faithful and True. Perhaps, no other parable Jesus shared better illustrates the Father’s love than in the story of the Lost Son: A rebellious young man, a self-righteous older brother, and a father like no other. This story of unfailing love is a beautiful reminder of the Gospel, of God’s grace for us, and how we can enjoy a right relationship with our Father forever.

To our Chinese friends and church family, as you celebrate Chinese New Year, we pray the light and love of Jesus will shine brightly in your lives. We pray that those who don’t know the goodness of Jesus will see God’s grace in you, and that you will have the opportunity to share with loved ones the message of the Gospel. Happy New Year!

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The Kingdom & The King - Part 3 - Tempted and Tried. Faithful and True.

The past few weeks we have been thinking about God’s Kingdom. His Mercy is not just for us, but as His people, His mercy is ours to share with those in need. We can show merciful kindness to others in Jesus’ name. Likewise, His wisdom is abundant in our lives, throughout creation, and in the universe. Authentic faith is demonstrated by our confident trust in Him.

Now, we look at how Jesus, though tempted in every way, was faithful and true. He is the perfect and blameless Redeemer who took on all our sin and shame. His grace, truly, is amazing.

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The Kingdom & The King - Part 1 - Matchless in Mercy

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

This week we begin looking at the Kingdom of Jesus — the rule and reign of Jesus. Like other kingdoms, the King leads the way, shapes the culture, and governs the people. But there is no kingdom, like the Kingdom of Jesus. There is no king, like our King Jesus. As Christ followers, our lives will increasingly reflect the unmistakable attributes of Jesus as we know Him more.

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