Our Statement of Faith
Learn more about what we believe as a church.
Although the Bible was recorded by human authors, these authors were guided by the Holy Spirit in their writing to such an extent that what the Bible says, God says. The Bible was written in cultures and times very different than ours, so we must work hard to understand the meaning of its words in today’s world, taking time to understand what God was saying to the original audiences of the Bible and how those truths translate into today’s world. This is important work, because the Bible is God’s word recorded for us. As such, it is completely true, and it carries complete authority for our belief and practice.
2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21
The Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit are all fully God, fully equal of worship and obedience. However, they are not three distinct Gods, they are one God. In a mystery beyond the ability of human comprehension to understand, they are united, yet also distinct from one another. The Father sent Jesus to earth to accomplish His plan of salvation. Jesus, not the Father or the Holy Spirit, took on human flesh and died on the cross to save humanity. The Holy Spirit lives inside Christians today.
Ephesians 1:3-14
Jesus was both fully God and fully man. In Jesus, the Creator God stepped into His created world and took part in human history from the inside. He did this because humanity had willingly rebelled against God and turned from His good rule, and as a consequence, stood under His wrath. Jesus lived a life of perfect obedience and submission to God’s authority, and then He was killed. Through His death, He paid the price for humanity’s rebellion against God and opened up the way for humanity to have a new relationship with God. On the third day, Jesus was raised from the dead, proving that His death had won the ultimate victory over sin and death. Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven, where He now reigns over the universe. One day He will return to earth to judge humanity and make all things new.
John 1:14, Romans 3:24-26, John 20:25-27, 1 John 2:1
Because of our rebellion against God, humanity is born into a state of spiritual death. Left to our own power, there is nothing we can do to change this state of spiritual death. For us to receive salvation, we need God to do a miracle in our hearts and give us spiritual life. He does this through the Holy Spirit, who gives us spiritual life, shows us the beauty of God’s goodness, and leads us to trust in Him.
Romans 5:5
The Bible tells us that the resurrection of Jesus is God’s promise that those who trust in Jesus will also be raised from the dead one day. God has prepared a future far more wonderful than anyone can ask or imagine as a reward for those who trust in Him. God’s desire is that all people everywhere would find salvation through Jesus and experience the eternal blessings that come through Him. However, the Bible is also clear that not everyone will trust in Jesus. People who refuse to trust in Jesus are refusing to submit to God’s rule and choosing to bear the consequences for their rebellion against God themselves, rather than allowing Jesus to bear the consequences for them. Because God is an infinite Being, the consequences of rebellion against Him are eternal. The Bible describes these consequences in language that speak of isolation, shame, darkness, pain, and a complete unraveling of the self. This judgment is known as Hell.
Revelation 20:11-15, Revelation 21
God’s goal in salvation is not simply the salvation of individuals, but the formation of a group of people who can follow Him together, love one another, and encourage one another to grow in their love for God. The Bible says that God formed the Church to be this community, a new humanity where social, cultural, and ethnic barriers and divisions are torn down. Being part of the church is a core step of obedience for anyone who has trusted in Jesus. As the church, we are a group of people who are deeply dependent not only on God, but also on one another. The Bible compares the church to a family, a body, and a building, all images which show a deep level of connection and interdependence on one another.
John 17:23, 1 Peter 1:22
God’s message of salvation is timeless and unchanging. However, the infinite, unchanging God went out of His way to communicate that message in a way that we can understand because He loves us and wants us to know Him. In light of this, we seek to communicate God’s unchanging truth in a way that is comprehensible to our non-Christian friends, family, and neighbors. We do not change the message itself in this process, but seek to find new ways to communicate the old truth in ways that our world can understand.
1 Corinthians 9:19-23