Love(TM) - Love in Action

Happy Chinese New Year! We hope you are having a wonderful time with family and friends this weekend. We’re finishing up our “Love™” sermon series this Sunday and we will be looking at a familiar passage of scripture that shows love in action. Jesus’ teachings are so revolutionary and relevant for our lives and He was always able to pinpoint the exact lesson we should learn. We will dig into his words to understand more about true love.

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Tim LaTour2018

With Valentine’s Day approaching, "love is in the air." There are so many clichés that surround this holiday of love that completely miss the true meaning of the word. In the Bible, Jesus gives a new command to love one another - and he repeats it more than once. We’ve said it, we’ve heard it, we’ve learned about it, but how do we live it? This 3-week series will explore the one thing that helps us to stand out from the crowd.

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Tim LaTour2018