Plan G

Life is unpredictable, but we keep trying to predict what will happen next. By making plans for the future, we want to make sure everything is in order. But what if God has other plans for us? How can we know them and what are the steps we should take to follow his plans?

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Tim LaTour2018
Hang On

In the month of January, there is usually an internal check-up we perform on ourselves. Some people set resolutions and others make small and sometimes drastic changes. As we begin this new year, we will look at how pausing to seek and connect with God will help everything else to fall into place.

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Tim LaTour2018
Ten Early Christmas Gifts - Part 1

Kyle Reed will be sharing God’s Word this Sunday. After finishing seminary in 2010 and surviving a near-fatal traumatic brain injury (2011), Kyle and his family relocated from the USA to Hong Kong to serve in Youth Ministry. Kyle now serves as an Associate Pastor at Island ECC. Kyle and his wife, Deonna, have four wild and crazy kids who are learning Cantonese.

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Is There Any Hope for Us?

This week is the beginning of Advent. Advent is much more than just the time of waiting for Christmas. It’s the season of hope and longing for God’s salvation in our lives and in the world. It is the time of remembering Jesus’ birth and longing for his return. This Sunday, we will begin Advent by looking at how God’s people in the Old Testament longed—with both hope and desperation—for God to change the world. Do you long for God to work in your life? How desperately do you need him?

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Kevin Clouse2017
Alive in Christ

This Sunday, Pastor Eric Farmer will speak to us from Colossians 2 about how we were made alive in Christ. Even more, we will explore the beautiful partnership between God and us that enables us to be a people of gratitude who are able to stand firm in our faith.

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