The Real Me

This Sunday we are excited to have Pastor Eric Farmer speak to us from 2nd Peter about being authentic. We will learn that we have been given everything we need to become who we will be forever, and thus Peter encourages us to make every effort to let God transform our character.

Eric is an Associate Pastor at Island ECC, and has been with the church for five years. His wife, Katie, and him grew up in the U.S., but headed east in 2010 as missionaries in the Shandong province of China. They have two kids, Titus (4) and Eden (2), and love travelling, being outdoors and living in such a diverse city!

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A famous line in Amazing Grace says, “I once was lost, but now am found.” This Sunday, Pastor Daniel Tse will be sharing with us the good news that, though each of us was once lost, we are no longer. God is our ultimate healer, who makes all things beautiful in his time.

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Jehova Our Savior

(Psalm 18)

David led an epic life fueled by devotion and reliance on God. He defeated lions, bears, giants, entire troops of men! He lived in caves, liberated cities, composed ballads and never lost a war. Was David a Superman or was there a secret to his strength? We will look at Psalm 18, an epic song of mighty warrior. Whether we are defending against an army or living for Christ in a business meeting, we can let God be our strength.

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Nathan Clifton2017
So That...

Did you know that the church in Nepal is one of the fastest-growing churches in the world? Though a tiny nation, God’s Spirit is moving in mighty ways in Nepal. This Sunday, we will have a special guest from Nepal who will share with us about what God is doing in his life and his country.

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Kevin Clouse2017

Everyone struggles. Fear, shame, lack, and condemnation are the four major sources of struggle that we encounter in different ways and at different times in our lives. This Sunday, we will look at the hope that Psalm 34 speaks into our struggles, and how Jesus himself is the key to freedom.

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Kevin Clouse2017
Above all, Love

As we start a new season here at The Bridge, we'll be considering what it means to be in Christian community together. Scripture tells us that the foundation for community is love, and love requires personal risk and sacrifice.

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Kevin Clouse2017