Sweet and Sour - Part 4 - Move It!

(Luke 10:25-37)

Muscles get stronger with exercise. Faith is the same. Just having good theology is not enough; it’s what you do with what you know that builds character and strong faith.

The Bridge Church is very grateful to Island ECC for the use of their sermon videos over the summer period.

Find us at www.thebridgechurch.hk.

Sweet and Sour - Part 3 - Spiritual Grit

(Hebrews 10:23)

Perseverance is in short supply these days. In a world that has increasingly grown used to quick results; a long, steady endurance is rarely seen. In your faith, there will be seasons where a quick fix won’t work, but a decision to persevere will make all the difference.

The Bridge Church is very grateful to Island ECC for the use of their sermon videos over the summer period.

Find us at www.thebridgechurch.hk.

Sweet and Sour - Part 2 - Stability When Things Are Sour

(James 1:2-8)

What can we do to prepare ourselves for setbacks and frustrations when life doesn’t go the way we want it to? When we understand this wisdom from the Book of James, we can include the ‘sour’ with the sweet in our lives to experience the fullness of all the good that God has planned for us.

The Bridge Church is very grateful to Island ECC for the use of their sermon videos over the summer period.

Find us at www.thebridgechurch.hk.

Sweet and Sour - Part 1 - Great Expectations

Island ECC has graciously offered to let TBC use their video sermons over the summer. Today, we will begin with their series called Sweet and Sour. Pastor Brett Hilliard will be teaching that Jesus promises both an abundant life and a life full of trouble. If we don’t adjust our expectations accordingly, we are destined to have either a distorted view of God or a bitter disappointment. Merging both the sweet promises of God and the sour realities of life on earth make for a grounded and hopeful faith.

Kevin will preach again on July 9, and then we will continue with the Sweet and Sour series from IECC.

Find us at www.thebridgechurch.hk.

Kairos - Part 9 - Mine!

One of the favorite words of most little kids is "Mine!" Let's be honest: adults might be more polite and sophisticated, but we often feel the same way. This week we'll be looking at the radical generosity of the early Church and thinking about why they were able to be so generous.

Find us at www.thebridgechurch.hk.