Stories with Luke - Part 4 - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

During his life on the earth, Jesus told many parables. As we’re discovering, Jesus parables communicated an essential truth. This Sunday, we will look at one of Jesus’ more perplexing parables – The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Here Jesus calls a seemingly holy man, in a holy place, doing a holy thing – praying – unholy. In this parable, Jesus explains how we can be truly righteous.

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Stories with Luke - Part 3 - The Parable of the Compassionate Father

“There was a man who had two sons…” In Luke 15 we read one Jesus’ most well-known parables. It is a story of betrayal, repentance and compassion. And like all biblical stories, Luke’s stories, are not simply a delivery system for ideas. Instead, the story creates a world and then invites us to live in that world, to take it on as part of ourselves.

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Stories with Luke - Part 2 - The Parable of the Rich Fool

In Luke, we read many of the parables Jesus told his disciples. This Sunday we will look at one of those stories: Parable of the Rich Fool. Here we will see that Jesus considered money hazardous and helpful. And he taught us how to minimize the hazard, and maximize the helpfulness. In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus takes on the danger of money and the relationship between how we spend our money and what we believe about the Kingdom.

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Stories with Luke - Part 1 - The Good Samaritan

This Sunday we start a new series, firstly looking at Luke 10:25-37 - the parable of the Good Samaritan, remembering the power of love and mercy.

We're excited to welcome Matt and April Dean who currently live in Xi'an, China. They have been married 14 years and have 6 children: Josh (12), Caleb (11), Luke (7), Anna Grace (7), Noelle (6), and Violette (7mos). Matt is a graduate of Auburn University and Asbury Theological Seminary. For more than 20 years, Matt and April have worked with families, churches and organisations in North America, Africa and Asia. We look forward to hearing Matt's message, which will be the first in our new series on Luke.

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My Crazy Family - Part 6 - Serving My Crazy Family

Jesus does something quite radical in Luke 13:10-17. He heals a woman on the Sabbath. While this act had many religious implications, this Sunday we will see that Jesus is trying to helps us recover something that has been lost in how men and women relate to each other. As we conclude the series My Crazy Family, we will look at the implications this story has for our family relationships.

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My Crazy Family - Part 5 - Sibling Rivalry

Families have potential to give more joy, and more heartache than almost anything else. There is no better example of that joy and heartache than in siblings, brothers and sisters. On Sunday, John & Sandra Snelgrove, founding pastors of the Vine Church, will be back at The Bridge to tackle the issue of sibling rivalry. Sandra and John feel qualified to talk about this - because they have been through it! Their sons are 40 and 35, - but weren’t always 40 and 35! They will look at biblical examples of sibling rivalry, as well as some practical tips for Bridge families.

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