Jesus the Messiah - A Teaching Messiah

(Matthew 7:24-29)

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This is the third sermon in the series Jesus the Messiah. This week we look at the well-known parable Jesus tells of two builders at the end of his Sermon on the Mount. Jesus uses this story to teach those listening that they now have a choice: to walk away unchanged or to follow Jesus and his teaching.

During the season of Lent, as we prepare to celebrate Easter, we will see how Jesus fulfills God’s promises to send a rescuer. This week, we see that Jesus is the rock we would be wise to build our lives upon.

We all build our lives around something. What might it look like to build our lives around Jesus?

Jesus the Messiah - A Moving Forward Messiah

(Matthew 4:12-25)

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This is the second sermon in our Lent series, Jesus the Messiah. This week we see Jesus begin his public ministry by calling his first disciples. What was so special about Jesus that people were willing to leave everything they knew behind to follow him?

During the season of Lent, as we prepare to celebrate Easter, we will see how Jesus fulfills God’s promises to send a rescuer. This week, we see that Jesus’ teaching and his healing set him apart.

As God’s Kingdom continues to advance, Jesus calls us to follow Him. What might it look like for you to follow Jesus today?