The Kingdom & The King - Part 4 - Unfailing Love

Jesus, our King and Redeemer, does wondrous things in our lives. His mercy is matchless, His wisdom is unrivalled, and He alone is Faithful and True. Perhaps, no other parable Jesus shared better illustrates the Father’s love than in the story of the Lost Son: A rebellious young man, a self-righteous older brother, and a father like no other. This story of unfailing love is a beautiful reminder of the Gospel, of God’s grace for us, and how we can enjoy a right relationship with our Father forever.

To our Chinese friends and church family, as you celebrate Chinese New Year, we pray the light and love of Jesus will shine brightly in your lives. We pray that those who don’t know the goodness of Jesus will see God’s grace in you, and that you will have the opportunity to share with loved ones the message of the Gospel. Happy New Year!

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