I am Jonah - Pt. 4 - Nineveh's Repentance

In chapter 3, Jonah finally reaches Nineveh, but there is something obstinate in his obedience. His sermon is 8 words (5 in Hebrew). Nevertheless, it transforms an entire city – from the king to the cattle. Hard hearts are softened and transformed. Jonah’s sermon is far from eloquent. There are no illustrations, no anecdotes, or jokes. Yet there is something altogether ‘other’ about Jonah’s message, something that motivates his hearers to repent and seek mercy from God. Despite Jonah’s lack of enthusiasm, God is able to use Jonah and his message to save the city of Nineveh.

I am Jonah - Pt. 3 - Jonah's Humility

We left Jonah in the belly of the great fish, and had reason to think that this was the end for poor old Jonah. If the waters of the sea did not destroy him, certainly being swallowed by a leviathan would. But the great fish was God’s means of saving and changing Jonah. One way or another God was going to teach Jonah humility.

In the mysterious safety of the fish, Jonah reminds us that God is working to transform us into the likeness of His Son, whether the darkness is self-inflicted or thrown upon us like a violent sea.