Posts in First John
First John - Confidence

(1 John 3: 19-24)

We are back in our First John series this week. In today's sermon, Pastor Eric teaches about the confidence that comes from knowing God's love for us.

First JohnEric Scott2024
First John - The Love Command

(1 John 3:11-18)

In this passage of scripture John commands us to love one another. This may seem straight-forward until we realize that our understanding of what love is shapes how we interpret this teaching. In today's sermon we explore what John really means when he commands us to love one another.

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First John - The Anointing

(1 John 2:26-27)

Some writers have referred to the Holy Spirit as "the Cinderella of Christian doctrine" or "the forgotten God." But John teaches that for Christians to stand firm in the face of false teaching, this forgotten God is an essential resource. Who is the Holy Spirit and how does he help Christians fight false teaching? This sermon aims to help answer these questions.

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First John - Antichrists

(1 John 2:18-25)

Antichrists and End Times. There are a lot of ideas around these topics. We will dig into it today and learn what the book of 1 John has to say about each one and how we should respond.

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First John - I am Writing to You

(1 John 2:12-14)

John writes to remind his readers of what is true of them in Jesus. As Christians, remembering our identity is one of the most important things we can do in order to live the lives God calls us to live. In this sermon, we look at what is true of God's people, why it is important to remember and steps we can take to help us remember.

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