The Story - Pt. 32 - The End of Time

God’s big idea is simply to be with us, but the first two people, Adam and Eve, chose a different vision. But God had a plan from the very beginning to get us back. As we have been journeying through The Story, it has looked bleak in the lower story, but God has never taken his eyes off of us or veered from his plan in the upper story. In the Old Testament he established a brand new nation called Israel, and from Israel came the solution, Jesus Christ. Jesus bore all of our sins and overcame death. To those who choose the gift, they will receive the forgiveness of their sins, once and for all. With that, the separation we have experienced from God because of the sin we were born with will be reconciled. After Jesus ascended to the father, he started a brand new movement with new believers called “the church.” The church is to spread the good news that God is about to make things new. There will be a new city, with a new garden in the centre where God will dwell once again. The only remaining question is, “will you be there?”