Acts - Pt. 12 - The Finish

In the first chapter of Acts, Luke introduces several important gospel perspectives that recur throughout the rest of the book. Principal among them is that the book of Acts is first and foremost a book about Jesus. He is the primary character of the book and the centre of all its events.

Acts portrays the continuing work and teachings of Jesus, following His ascension, in a way that no other book of the Bible does. Acts demonstrates that as the flowering movement spreads, Jesus Himself is at work. The Church is Jesus’ instrument to continue His work in the world.

In the closing chapter, we encounter the Apostle Paul, a man sold-out for Jesus. To his dying day, he preached Jesus every opportunity that was given to him regardless of the consequence. Not all of us are called to be preachers, but all Christians are called to participate in a common race. How will you finish?

ActsChris Robershaw2014, Acts